Neuigkeiten von MotionPoint

So erstellen Sie die perfekte digitale Channel Strategy Ihrer Marke

Mit einem durchdachten, globalen Omnichannel-Ansatz sind Sie da, wo Ihre Kunden sind.


25. Oktober 2019

Craig Witt
Craig Witt

Digital marketing experts often stress the importance of being "omnichannel ready." Doch wie können Unternehmen bei der Vielzahl an verschiedenen Kanälen wissen, welches der für sie am besten geeignete Kanal ist?

Finding the answer, writes MotionPoint Chief Revenue Officer Craig Witt in an article for SalesTech Star, starts with data … and then using that data to deliver quality customer experiences.

Witt offers advice for creating a strong omnichannel strategy, including:

  • Evaluate website analytics, as well as search and social data, to determine which platforms your customers value most
  • Consider your global customers, and provide them immersive websites and omnichannel experiences in the languages they prefer
  • Preserve brand continuity across channels, markets and languages by repurposing website content for social media posts, emails and more

Read the full story at SalesTechStar.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 25. Oktober 2019