Secure login sites are critical for serving customers and employees.

They play an instrumental role in increasing customer loyalty, conversions, employee retention and forging positive relationships with key business partners. Which is why your organization should localize these portals for your multilingual constituents.

This e-book provides important context on the value of localizing your customer, employee and partner portals, and offers insights such as:

  • The key differences between conventional websites and portals
  • How localization reduces customer support costs
  • How localization improves employee engagement across all markets

You’ll also discover several challenges that can slow (or derail) portal localization projects, and tips on how to sidestep those issues to create perfectly translated experiences on time, and on budget.

Download this e-book to receive:

  • Insights on different portal translation solutions, including the proxy-based approach
  • Tips for identifying the best translation solution for your needs
  • Information on complex technologies that confuse most solutions & vendors

Remember: Translating and localizing your secure login areas is fundamentally a technology issue. To do it right, you need a vendor that provides workflow automation and superior software.

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