Neuigkeiten von MotionPoint

Es ist nie zu früh, hispanische Weihnachtseinkäufer anzusprechen

Einzelhändler können sich schon heute darauf vorbereiten, die US-hispanischen Kunden in der Weihnachtssaison zu bedienen.


21. Dezember 2018

Craig Witt
Craig Witt

Most retailers continually overlook the opportunity to serve U.S. Hispanic consumers in authentic and resonant ways, especially during the holiday season, writes MotionPoint EVP Craig Witt in a column for Apparel magazine.

Retailers should act now to reach this untapped, increasingly affluent market online, Witt says. He shares powerful statistics about the buying power of the U.S. Hispanic market, and offers best practices for attracting Hispanic customers, including:

  • Translate website content into Spanish
  • Market to Hispanic consumers with authentic cultural references
  • Localize mobile apps and in-store signage

Get more insights and best practices—including U.S. Hispanic winter traditions and trends to include in your 2019 marketing calendar—at Apparel magazine.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 21. Dezember 2018