
Infografik: U.S. Gesundheitsorganisationen sollten die spanischsprachige Bevölkerung nicht ignorieren

In Amerika verfügen spanischsprachige Hispanoamerikaner über eine enorme Kaufkraft, werden aber von den meisten Gesundheitsorganisationen nicht ausreichend bedient.

Nathan Lucas's avatar
Nathan Lucas

21. August 2018


More U.S. Hispanics are getting healthcare coverage, but they still represent the largest uninsured segment of the U.S. population. This represents a sizable untapped market, especially for healthcare organizations that can serve Hispanics with Spanish-language content.

Learn more about the relationship between healthcare, Hispanics and Spanish content in this guide graphic.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 21. August 2018
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About Nathan Lucas

Nathan Lucas is a web developer who enjoys bringing to life the ideas and concepts of the marketing and sales team. If they can dream it, he can build it. When he's not working, he enjoys being a husband and father, adventures in the great outdoors, fitness, and art!

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Nathan Lucas

Digital Marketing Developer