More than ever, companies aren’t competing on price. They compete on customer experience.

For global brands, creating a cohesive online experience for customers—no matter what languages they speak—is a powerful way to generate trust, loyalty and conversions.

This e-book can help you understand which digital channels are the most critical for meeting your business goals, and how localization can impact your global business.

In this e-book, you’ll learn the importance of:

  • Translating digital content for international SEO and discoverability
  • Localizing secure login portal sites and in-store kiosks for customer service and support
  • Empowering regional sales reps and partners with localized assets

Creating a localization strategy customized for your business goals and understanding the benefits of translating digital assets can help you craft an immersive—and resonant—global customer experience.

Laden Sie dieses E-Book herunter und Sie erhalten folgende Informationen:

  • Ways localized omnichannel gives your brand a competitive advantage
  • The value of localizing videos and other multimedia
  • The role of mobile apps in the engagement of local customers
  • How translated content boosts your teams’ productivity

Remember: Creating a digital experience that sets your brand apart gives you a competitive edge, and delivers value to the customers who’ll fuel your company’s growth for the long-term.

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