Education for the localization industry

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Welcome to MotionPoint’s dynamic hub of videos, e-books, graphics and articles about website localization for marketers.

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How High-Quality AI Translation Can Improve Your Website’s SEO

Read Now , About How High-Quality AI Translation Can Improve Your Website’s SEO

Latest e-Book:


A Marketer’s Guide: The Impact of Website Translation on Digital Marketing Metrics and KPIs

Read Now , About A Marketer’s Guide: The Impact of Website Translation on Digital Marketing Metrics and KPIs

Latest Infographic:


5 Wege, Ihre internationalen Online-Kunden zu beeindrucken

Read Now , About 5 Ways to Dazzle Your Online International Customers

Latest 3 Questions:


3 Questions with Anna Leikas

Watch Now , About 3 Questions with Anna Leikas

MotionPoint Blog


A marketing blog about website translation and localization best practices

Evan Kramer's avatar

About Evan Kramer

Evan Kramer has over 25 years’ experience managing private equity and venture-backed companies focused on digital transformation, marketing, and technology.

Adaptive Corner

A technical outlook on website translation and localization

Stephen Tyler's avatar

About Stephen Tyler

Stephen Tyler, MotionPoint CPTO, has over 30 years of experience in product development including extensive experience in strategy and technical leadership roles.

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Adaptive Translation:

WebLoc: Mastering Website Translation for Marketers

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3 Questions with Anna Leikas

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3 Questions with Charles Lesperance

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3 Questions with Evan Kramer (Adaptive Translation™)

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3 Questions with Verity Cockburn

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3 Questions with Stephen Tyler

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3 Questions with Frank Drucker

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3 Questions with Ellen Whiteman

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3 Questions with Jason Brick

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3 Questions with Evan Kramer – Insource Vs Outsource

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AdaptiveCon: The Future of Website Translation in Light of AI

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Webinar: Vorteile von Übersetzungen Ihrer Multichannel-Inhalte

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MotionPoint Webinar: Übersetzung spanischer Websites für Institutionen im Gesundheitswesen

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MotionPoint Webinar: Website-Übersetzung für Finanzdienstleister

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Website-Übersetzung: Der Proxy-Vorteil

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Beste Praktiken der internationalen Suchmaschinenoptimierung für Stichwörter

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Perfekter Ausgleich zwischen Kosten und Identifizierung der zu übersetzenden Inhalte der Website-Übersetzung

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Erkundung der tatsächlichen Kosten der Website-Übersetzung

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So funktioniert unsere proxybasierte Lösung

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3 Video: Herausforderung in Hinblick auf mehrsprachige CMS- und Website-Übersetzung

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Die Komplettlösung

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Fallstudie Master Lock – Sicherstellen eines internationalen Online-Wachstums

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3 Schritte für einen perfekten Start eines Website-Übersetzungsprojekts

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3 Methoden für effektive Website-Designänderungen für globale Märkte

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Vier überzeugende Gründe für die Übersetzung Ihrer Website

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Neuigkeiten von MotionPoint


AdaptiveCon 2024: The Premier Event for Cutting-Edge Website Translation Case Study

Read Now , About AdaptiveCon 2024: The Premier Event for Cutting-Edge Website Translation

MotionPoint Announces MP Concierge: New All-in-One Plan Case Study

Read Now , About MotionPoint Announces MP Concierge: New All-in-One Plan

How Website Translators are Capitalizing on AI and Machine Translation Case Study

Read Now , About How Website Translators are Capitalizing on AI and Machine Translation

How to Create Your Brand’s Perfect Digital Channel Strategy Case Study

Read Now , About How to Create Your Brand’s Perfect Digital Channel Strategy

Ressourcen über MotionPoint

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