
Schnelle Übersetzungen von Inhalten sind von entscheidender Bedeutung für mehrsprachige Portale

Die meisten Anbieter können Portale und sichere Online-Anmeldebereiche nicht schnell oder präzise genug übersetzen. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Gründe und darüber, wie Sie diese Kosten und Risiken vermeiden können.

Dominic Dithurbides Avatar
Dominic Dithurbide

08. April 2020


Traditional translation agencies don’t have the technology or ability to keep pace with the unique aspects of secure portal localization. Their underdeveloped technologies and sluggish translation deliveries usually create subpar online experiences, which lead to:

  • Communication failures with multilingual customers, suppliers and partners
  • Alienated constituents, resulting in increased customer churn
  • Higher marketing and sales investments to offset customer loss
  • Increased customer service costs to handle more inbound support requests
  • Violation of language compliance laws
  • Und vieles mehr

These are high-stakes risks, since portals are invaluable gateways for increased engagement and communication with multilingual customers, and provide educational content for international employees and business partners.

Let's take a closer look at why the capabilities of most traditional-and in many cases, very well-known-translation agencies cannot properly localize portals and other secure login areas. We'll also explore superior solutions that prioritize the rapid delivery of accurate portal translations, both at launch and ongoing.

Inadequate Technologies

Your multilingual and international constituents expect perfect digital user experiences, just like your domestic constituents do. Unfortunately, traditional translation agencies can’t often deliver on these expectations … especially when it comes to localized portals.

These businesses forged their expertise on translating old-school media such as books, documents and brochures. They lack the digital-first resources and technical know-how to localize websites, portals and secure login areas.

In fact, partnering with a traditional vendor often generates more cost, effort and risk than it’s worth.

A common area where their technical abilities fall short is when translating single-page applications and dynamic content powered by Angular, React, JSON and other frameworks.

Nearly all translation vendors use content detection and content parsing technologies to identify translatable content within webpages and applications, and separate that content into easy-to-translate chunks called segments.

Unfortunately, traditional vendors don’t have sophisticated versions of these technologies. They can’t distinguish an application’s translatable content (which appears as text) from its structured code (which also appears as text). This results in:

  • Words or phrases in code are mistakenly translated, completely breaking the application
  • Actual translatable content isn’t reliably detected, resulting in a partially-translated application that wrecks the UX

Old-school vendors also face similar issues with AJAX calls that produce dynamic content that isn't always seen on the page. This also leads to an unacceptable "mixed language" UX that alienates customers.

Ongoing Operational Challenges

Even in the absence of such technically complex circumstances, traditional vendors are still at risk of delivering subpar “mixed language” experiences to portal users. This is because they lack efficient automated workflows that expedite the translation process on an ongoing basis.

It’s common for companies to regularly add content to their portals and secure login areas. With many traditional vendors, even trivial content updates can remain undetected and untranslated for days, or even weeks.

To compensate, vendors usually heap the manual effort of translation management onto to their customers. This often requires key internal resources, and results in unexpected costs.

Companies find themselves experiencing:

  • Delays in production as their IT teams identify and extract new portal content for translation
  • Long waits—sometimes two to three weeks—for the translation vendor to translate the content
  • Erhöhter Zeitaufwand zur Prüfung und Korrektur der übersetzten Inhalte, um die Genauigkeit und optimale Vermittlung des Markenimages sicherzustellen
  • Even further delays as the IT team wade through workloads to finally integrate and publish the localized content
  • This process is repeated every time the portal is refreshed with new or updated content

Ideally, new or updated portal content should be identified for translation, translated, edited, QA’d and published in about one business day. No legacy agency can reliably deliver fast website translation services within that timeframe.

What’s the Answer?

If traditional translation vendors generate so much cost, effort and risk for their customers, do companies have a better option for portal localization?

Look for superior solutions offered by “digital-first” vendors. These agencies were developed after the creation of the Internet, and understand its technical complexities. Their developers and translators use superior technologies that remove most—and in ideal cases, all—of ongoing localization and management tasks from the customer.

The best solutions can launch localized portals in as little as 30 days and deliver translations for fresh content in about one business day.

When you’re looking for a translation solution, consider whether it can offer:

  • Einzigartige Schnelligkeit der Markteinführung mit einer Einführung Ihrer mehrsprachigen Website innerhalb von nur 30 Tagen
  • Eine exzellente Syntaxanalyse-Technologie, um sicherzustellen, dass alle zu übersetzenden Inhalte in allen Medien vor dem Beginn des Projekts identifiziert werden
  • Eine intelligente Technologie zur Identifizierung von Änderungen, die neue, zu übersetzende Inhalte fortlaufend identifiziert und automatisch in einem Übersetzungspuffer ablegt
  • Zuverlässige Bereitstellung von Übersetzungen innerhalb eines Werktags

Accept nothing less than a superior digital-first vendor that can deliver the online experience your multilingual and international constituents expect—and will reward with ongoing business.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 08. April 2020
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Über Dominic Dithurbide

Dominic Dithurbide hat seine Karriere als kreativer, zielorientierter Marketingleiter der Übersetzungsbranche gewidmet. Dominic bringt seine Fachkenntnisse in den Bereichen des globalen Marketings, der Nachfragegenerierung und Markteinführungsstrategien in das Marketingteam von MotionPoint ein.

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Dominic Dithurbide

Marketing Manager