Every company needs an online and omnichannel presence, but most don’t know how to smartly use their resources and effort.
In the rush to be present on the web and social media, companies can neglect the process of aligning their digital CX with their marketing goals.
Using social “listening” practices can help identify how customers and prospects expect to communicate with—and learn about—your company.
But what happens after that? This e-book can help. In it, you'll learn:
- How to choose the best channels and online formats to get your customers’ attention
- The importance of leveraging a localized website when engaging international customers
- Why you shouldn’t ignore the power of targeted email campaigns
Thoughtfully curating your entire online presence—from your website to social media and email—empowers you to create a complete digital CX that can drive your global business.

This e-book can help teach your team:
- Which metrics and KPIs you can use to quantify success
- How to connect your online platforms to drive traffic to each other
- What your customers should expect when they arrive at any part of your digital presence
Remember: The digital customer experience is a central part of the buyer’s journey—and a thoughtful strategy will help you take advantage of that.
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