Mit virtuellen Marktplätzen und sozialen Medien in aufstrebende Märkte verkaufen
Die Nutzung globaler virtueller Marktplätze und sozialer Kanäle kann den Online-Marketing-Erfolg bringen, den Marken in neuen Märkten suchen, schreibt unser EVP.
Lesedauer: 1 Min.
29. Oktober 2018
Mit virtuellen Marktplätzen und sozialen Medien in aufstrebende Märkte verkaufen
In many global markets, localized corporate websites aren’t the first place customers visit to make purchases, writes MotionPoint EVP Craig Witt in a guest column at Target Marketing. Especially in emerging markets, shoppers prefer virtual marketplaces and social media channels for a variety of reasons, including trust and competitive pricing.
Sellers benefit too, Witt says, because virtual malls generate high volumes of traffic and simplify fulfillment. He cites recent data that shows the growing popularity of virtual marketplaces, and reveals that by 2020, they will make up nearly 40% of the global online market.
He also provides insights on:
Leveraging virtual marketplaces in specific markets
Incorporating social media and apps in your global selling strategy
Localizing content for virtual marketplaces and social posts